Now, we have a committed ourselves to protect this delicate ecosystem from illegal resource extraction and development, by means of attracting attention to its beauty through sport fishing. With the help of dedicated adventurous anglers, providing the funds needed for us to create jobs to serve as an economic incentive. In return for the economic benefits, locals and authorities will cooperate with us and ensure the health of this unique fishery for future generations to enjoy.

“Among the various guide operations I have worked or fished with around the world, there are two factors that make this one stand out: First, no other outfit in the world will take you to places as remote and virgin as this and second, I have yet to meet a guide that has more enthusiasm and passion for the wild as Patrick. During my trip we dealt with some of the worst weather conditions I’ve ever had on a fishing trip but Patrick and his Tsimane team saw to it that the uncontrollable conditions didn’t keep us down–we were constantly busy learning about and observing what is one of the most incredible places on earth. It was a once-in-a-lifetime trip that most people will only experience on television.”