Terms & Conditions
Sometimes, in this part of the world, things don’t always go down as planned. No matter how far ahead you plan and how meticulous you are, there are factors outside of our control, that can affect the course of your trip. In the past, we have been affected by a strike or manifestation of some sort that can complicate travel. Weather complications are also a possibility. Located in the eastern slopes of the Andes Mountains, the fishing area does fall under very frequent rain; it is after all, a rainforest. Because your safety is our pilots’ and our number one concern, there will be occasions in which flights can be delayed or canceled, either to or from the fishing location.
Be it a strike or be it a storm, these are things that an international traveler needs to be able to appropriately cope with to ultimately have a positive experience in a foreign country. Unfortunately, this can cause extra charges in terms of flight changes and such. In the rare event that you are faced with such complications, we will do anything we can to help you plan accordingly and alleviate the circumstances. However, Angling Frontiers will not be held liable for the expenses brought on by these complications. On behalf of everyone at Angling Frontiers, we do apologize for any inconveniences. Rest assured that, regardless of all these variables, we will always work really hard to keep all aspects of your itinerary running as smoothly as possible.